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Allenbourn Middle School

Track and Field Event

The boys' Track and Field Cup Team journeyed to Millfield school in Somerset this week to take part in the Southwest ‘A’ final. Competing against other large secondary schools, they performed superbly with all of the boys improving on times and distances from the previous round, and we ended up coming 6th. A special mention to Ayaan who ran the 200m for the first time and won! Also to Elliott for his win in the 300m.  We wish Elliott good luck as he competes for Dorset in the triple jump at the Southwest Schools Championships at the weekend. 

The boys were a delight to take away.  Focused, supportive of each other and  respectful of the other competitors. They were fantastic ambassadors for Allenbourn!

We are now looking forward to the girls' event in Winchester next Wednesday.