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Personal, Social & Health Education



In KS2, the pupils follow the new Jigsaw scheme of work which builds on their studies from reception to Year 4. We promote SEAL as a practical resource to develop social and emotional skills and well-being. The areas covered are: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Differences, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. In particular, we focus on the changes that the pupils experience within their own developing bodies and parents are invited into school to attend a Sex Education information evening in the summer term. In Year 5, we also complete a practical unit of work based around First Aid skills to include the recovery position and CPR.

Most of these lessons are discussion based and all are age appropriate. The rationale behind this scheme of work is to give pupils the opportunity to discuss decisions that they may have to take in the future and to enable them to become responsible citizens – of the school, the locality, nationally and globally.

The pupils have two sessions a week and additional enrichment periods throughout the year within their tutor groups.


PSHCEE (personal, social, health, citizenship and economic awareness) education is a planned programme of learning through which young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives – now and in the future. At Key Stage 3, pupils look at a variety of subjects including health matters, risk, sex and relationships, risk and personal financial education (in association with Pfeg).

The Citizenship programme concentrates on embedding fundamental British Values including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. In addition, as a Rights-Respecting school, pupils study young people’s rights in the UK and globally.

Key stage 3 pupils have a discrete lesson each week for PSHCEE within their tutor groups. Throughout the year, both year groups have enrichment sessions from outside agencies.

Allenbourn has a thriving School Council that is based upon our ethos of mutual respect and aspirational mind-set for the future, represented by all year groups.